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Joseph Fulkerson is a writer of fiction, poetry, and haiku. He's the author of sixteen books and chapbooks. East Jesus Nowhere, his debut novella, was published by Anxiety Press. His novel Brood of Vipers is available now from Translucent Eyes Press.

Publications: About
Publications: About


Full-length Books

The Glenmore Sessions – Self 18’

3 a.m. Blues – Self 18’

Thunderheads  - Red Moon Press, 19’

Snout Chasing Tail – Laughing Ronin Press, 21’

Modern Absurdity –  Laughing Ronin Press, 23’

East Jesus Nowhere – Anxiety Press, 23’

Brood of Vipers – Translucent Eyes Press, 24’

Chapbook-length Books

Point of Diminishing Returns – Analog Submission Press, 20’

The Manchurian Mandate – Self, 20’

A Six-Pack for Chinaski – Laughing Ronin Press, 21’

Cultishly Happy – Between Shadows Press, 21’

Asleep at the Wheel – Hickathrift Press, 22’

Each echo – Two Key Customs, 22’

The Electric Preacher –  Holy & intoxicated Publications, 22’

Streams – The Grindstone, 22’

Thug Nasty – Laughing Ronin Press, 23’

Short Stories

A Six-Pack for Chinaski – HorrorSleazeTrash, 20’

Poetry (individual piece)

The Glenmore Sessions – Verbatim, 18’

21 grams – Pegasus, Summer 18’

The Curmudgeon – Pegasus, Winter 18’

We, the Chosen Leftovers – The Aesthetic Apostle, 19’

How to Write Poetry – Midwest Writer’s Guild 2019 Anthology

I Used to Want to Sail the World – Midwest Writer’s Guild 2019 Anthology

Coagulated – HorrorSleazeTrash, 20’

Adventures In Insomnia – HorrorSleazeTrash, 20’

The Lifespan of a Successful Failure –HorrorSleazeTrash, 20’

You Got Moxy, Kid! – HorrorSleazeTrash, 20’

Steady As She Goes – HorrorSleazeTrash, 20’

Stonks! – HorrorSleazeTrash, 21’

Going the Distance – HorrorSleazeTrash, 21’

Ode to a Big Dick – Obscure Quarterly, issue #1, 21’

Screaming into the Night – Seppuku Quarterly, Issue #1, 21’

Pearls of Wisdom #19 – Obscure Quarterly, issue # 2, 21’

The 5-dollar Bill – Paper & Ink Literary Zine, issue #17, 22’

just happened, giving a shit – Capgras, Between Shadows Press, 22’

nevermind, Jonah Complex — The Grind Stone, 22’

Resolution – Seppuku Issue V, LRP, 23’

Tony Brewer was once in a bind – Don’t Kill Tony Brewer, The Grind Stone, 23’

T’was a man with a fetish for feet – Don’t Kill Tony Brewer, The Grind Stone, 23’

He took the trip from Bloomington, Indiana – Don’t Kill Tony Brewer, The Grind Stone, 23’

Pearls of Wisdom #19 – Tickets to Midnight Vol. 2, The Grind Stone, 24’

Pearls of Wisdom #53 – Tickets to Midnight Vol. 2, The Grind Stone, 24’

I once had a girlfriend named Shiloh – Tickets to Midnight Vol. 2, The Grind Stone, 24’

T’was a man with a fetish for feet – Tickets to Midnight Vol. 2, The Grind Stone, 24’

There was a young lad, hailed from Greece – Tickets to Midnight Vol. 2, The Grind Stone, 24’

Haiku (individual piece)

cold January rain – Modern Haiku, issue 49:2

spring afternoon – Modern Haiku, issue 49:2

summer haze – Frogpond, 18’

morning drizzle - Haiku Society of America Members’ Anthology 2018

sundown – Modern Haiku, issue 50:1

morning chill – Frogpond, 18’

falling leaves – The Heron’s Nest, 18’

first day of snow – Presence, issue 63

mid-afternoon swim – Acorn, 19’

canyon walls – Akitsu Quarterly, 19’

sash of red – Akitsu Quarterly, 19’

meteor shower – Haiku Society of America Members’ Anthology 2019

Indian summer – Modern Haiku, issue 50:3

dappled sunshine – Frogpond, 19’

cool rain – Frogpond, 19’

sundown - leaning into reeds: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku 2019

road trip - ZATSUEI, haiku of merit, World Haiku Review, 19’

heat shimmer – Presence, issue 66

evening stroll – Akitsu Quarterly, Winter 20’

summer night – Frogpond, 20’

sundog - haikus, nearkus, fauxkus, fuckyous – Between Shadows Press 21’

birdcall - haikus, nearkus, fauxkus, fuckyous – Between Shadows Press 21’

blind date - haikus, nearkus, fauxkus, fuckyous – Between Shadows Press 21’

summer haze – Trash Panda Haiku, 21’

morning coffee – more shit from an old notebook, Two Key Customs, 22’

the whipporwhil’s call – more shit from an old notebook, Two Key Customs, 22’

another leap year –  more shit from an old notebook, Two Key Customs, 22’

moonrise – more shit from an old notebook, Two Key Customs, 22’

twilight – more shit from an old notebook, Two Key Customs, 22’

first frost – haikus, nearkus, fauxkus, fuckyous – Between Shadows Press 24’

canoeing downstream – haikus, nearkus, fauxkus, fuckyous – Between Shadows Press 24’

summer heat – haikus, nearkus, fauxkus, fuckyous – Between Shadows Press 24’

Editor, Laughing Ronin Press

Bingo and The Cockless Wonders – Isaac Sheldon Hale, 21’

A Six-Pack for Chinaski – Joseph Fulkerson, 21’

Seppuku Quarterly Issue #1 – Various, 21’

Ploiesti – Kevin Tosca, 21’

Famous Long Ago – Howie Good, 21’

Valentina Mezcalito Blues – Catfish McDaris, 21’

The Absence & Other Poems – John D Robinson, 21’

Snout Chasing Tail – Joseph Fulkerson, 21’

Seppuku Quarterly Issue #2 – Various, January 22’

Daily Worship – Aimee Nicole, January 22’

We Live The Songs – Steve Zmijewski, February 22’

Waiting in Phnom Penh – Luke Young, March 22’

Generation Zero – U.V. Ray, March 22’

Windswept – Paul Cordeiro,  April 22’

Cock of the Walk – Jonathan S Baker, May 22’

Seppuku Quarterly issue #3 –  Various, May 22’

Alec Baldwin Alec Baldwin Alec Baldwin – Victor Clevenger, June 22’

Sway – A.S.Coomer, Michael D Grover, July 22’

Batter The Keyboard Like A Raptor Is Behind YR Back – Rob Plath, August 22’

Seppuku Issue Issue #4 ‐ Various, September 22’

Domestic Calicos – Clay Hunt, October 22’

From Jersey to Belle – Tohm Bakelas/John Dorsey, January 23’

Seppuku Issue V – Various, January 23’

Modern Absurdity – Joseph Fulkerson, January 23’

Rum Lime Rum – Danny D. Ford, February 23’’

Heart Shaped Hole – Howie Good, April 23’

Thump Thump – Jonathan S Baker, April 23’

Thump Thump – Jonathan S Baker, April 23’

Thug Nasty – Joseph Fulkerson/Danny D. Ford, April 23’

Poisonous Berries – Tim Heerdink, July 23’’

Linked Verse Issue 1 – Joseph Fulkerson/Chelsea Rector, September 23’

Linked Verse Issue 2 – Joseph Fulkerson/Chelsea Rector, February 24’

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